Problem is ..
1. you have to process a file of more than 1 million customers
2. have to store customers in the database table
3. You have to filter duplicate, and invalid customers based on their phone
number and email, only valid customers will be stored in the table.
4. You have to store all invalid customers in another separate table.
5. After storing those data in the table, you have to export the invalid and
valid customers into separate files.
6. After exporting those you have to share those exported files with us.
7. For valid customers, you have to export those files in a batch of files
including 100k customers with each file.
8. Have to share the total process execution time for exporting files.
9. Project deployment documentation
10. implements service and algorithm for file data processing and storing
those data and exporting the files with customer data.
11. You must have to implement a multithread process for your full process.
The solution is here .